5 Oct 2022 / Week 7-14

Lee Kai Jin / 0354707 / Bachelors of Mass Communication (Hons) (Digital Media Production)
Illustration and Visual Narrative / Taylor's University

Task (Exercises / Project):
Task 4: Project 3 - Original Comic Pilot


Week 7: Project Brief

Ms Anis brief us about our next while require us to prepare a short narrative writing, a cover page of the comic and one page introduction comic (first page of the comic).

Week 8: Study Leave

Week 9-14: Consultation

Basically all the classes are reserved for consultation session and we show Ms Anis or Mr Hafiz our progress every week and inquire about the operation on Adobe AI if any.


Narrative Writing

Week 7:

We are required to write a short story to introduce our comic background.

Fig_7.0, My narrative writing for the story, week 7

Cover Page

Week 7:

My idea is to draw the view seeing through from the airplane windows.

Fig_7.1, Drafting the wing of the plane, week 7

Fig_7.2, Drafting the window, week 7

I try to make the details of the wing without tracing but through referring to the picture.

Fig_7.3, Some details of the wings, week 7

Week 8:

This week I began with colouring the details.

Fig_8.0, Colour the details, add in sky and clouds, week 8

Fig_8.1, Sketching the background outline, week 8

Fig_8.2, Adding in title of the comic, week 8

Fig_8.3, Add in the background using the colour scheme of the US flag, week 8

One Page Introduction

Week 9:

Starting to do the first frame. At first, I roughly draw the white frame of the comic so that I do not need to worry about element went outside the box.

Fig_9.0, Tracing the draft of airport drop-off point, week 9

Fig_9.1, Tracing the draft of airport drop-off point, week 9

Fig_9.2, Colour the shapes in correct colour, add in some details, week 9

Fig_9.3, Decided to draw a small plane in the sky to emphasize the "airport" location, week 9

Fig_9.4, Adding "cloud tail" to the plane, cute lol, week 9

Fig_9.5, Final visual of the first frame, week 9

I decided to draw a watch to emphasize the current time as time is one of the important element in my story. Also, I would like to make some of the element of the comic "went outside the box" to make it looks more unique.

Fig_9.6, Drafting watch, inspired by Apple Watch, week 9

Fig_9.7, Tracing the draft of airport drop-off point, week 9

Fig_9.8, Final visual of the watch, week 9

Week 10:

I want to draw a schedule board of the departure hall. I did some research on design of many airports and most of it looks the same and the most important elements are flight number, airline's name, time and destination. Some of the old-school design did not show the "status". All the flight numbers' format are referring to real life flights.

Fig_10.0, Drafting the texts of the board, week 10

Fig_10.1, Adding in colour, especially for the status section, week 10

Fig_10.2, Final visual of the board, week 10

The next scene is I want to design the most common "check-in" picture that younger generation post on social media platforms, passport and boarding pass.

The passport design is referring to the real Taiwan (Republic of China) passport, which is where the protagonist come from. The design is slightly different from the real passport to avoid legal issues.

Fig_10.3, Drawing the passport, week 10

For the boarding pass, I refer to the real All Nippon Airlines' boarding pass.

Fig_10.4, Drawing the logo of ANA, week 10

Fig_10.5, Logo of ANA, week 10

Fig_10.6, Designing typography of the boarding pass, week 10

Fig_10.7, Final visual of the boarding pass, week 10

Fig_10.8, Final visual of passport and boarding pass, week 10

Week 11:

The next scene I want to draw is the luggage of the protagonist, with her favourite shark plushie.

Fig_11.0, Drawing the shark plushie, week 11

Fig_11.1, Drawing the pink luggage bag, week 11

Fig_11.2, Visual of plushie put on the luggage, week 11

Week 12:

The luggage should come with a proper background to emphasize the interior of the airport. I refer to a lot of pictures and actually I do not have much idea on this.

Fig_12.0, Drafting the airport interior, week 12

Fig_12.1, Demonstration of the luggage and plushie with the background, week 12

Week 13:

I do not know why, the progress of the previous week is gone, It also give me a chance to redo this scene.

Fig_13.0, Tracing the outline of the airport interior, week 13

Fig_13.1, Tracing the outline of the airport interior, week 13

Fig_13.2, Adding ceiling, week 13

Fig_13.3, Adding ceiling with wood design, add in frame for the window, week 13

Fig_13.4, Final visual of the airport interior week 13

Fig_13.5, Demonstration with the luggage and plushie week 13

Fig_13.6, Final visual of the last scene, week 13

Week 14:

It's time to animate it and export it as .gif format. I am planning to make the signboard blinking just like while airport calling for passengers.

Fig_14.0, Drafting the animation, week 14

Fig_14.1, Art boards that used in animation, week 14

Final Submission

Cover Page

Final Submission of Cover Page (.jpeg)

One Page Introduction

Final Submission of One Page Introduction (non-animated) (.jpeg)

Final Submission of Cover Page (animated) (.gif)

PDF Submission

Submission of Cover Page and One Page Introduction (non-animated) (.pdf)





It is a challenging task for me as this is my first time to draw a complex and complete artwork using Adobe Illustrator.


It is not that difficult to draw using Adobe AI as we are able to slowly trace and adjust the digital shapes until we are satisfied.


The challenge here is the imagination of what result we want and what tools are suitable and the best for us to produce the most efficient outcome.


The Package Design Book

The Package Design Book (Bibliotheca Universalis) - TASCHEN Books
FR_1.0, The Package Design Book

This book is about why design is matter in a product and how a product's packaging affect people's buying behaviour. The things to consider included creativity, how the package attractive people's attention, to store and display the product, how convenient for the design in helping using the product and many more.


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