26 Sep 2023 ~  31 Oct 2023 / Week 5 ~ Week 10
Lee Kai Jin / 0354707 / Bachelors of Mass Communication (Hons) (Digital Media Production)
Video and Sound Production / Taylor's University

Task (Exercises / Project):
Project 1 - Sound Dubbing


Week 5 (Tue, 26 Sep 2023): Production Shooting

According to the group assigned, we go for the video shooting as a team. We go for three locations which are the staircase, the relief room and playground nearby for our scenes.

L_5.0, Production shooting, week 5

L_5.1, Production shooting, week 5

Producer : Jessica 
Director : Amira 
Assist director 1:Fariha
Assist director 2: Sorcha
Art director: Adrianna
D.O.P : Isaac
Cam Assistant 1: Akifredz
Cam Assistant 2 : Cheng Yue
Lighting crew 1: Guang You
Lighting crew 2 : Jia Rou
Boom: Marcus
Location sound: Elysa
Sound Assistant (extra): Alyssa
Actor 1: Kai Jin
Actor 2: Safia
Extra: Lim Jun Teng

Week 6 (Tue, 3 Oct 2023): Colour Correction

We learn about colour correction for this week. Usually when we shoot (especially using camera), the colour will remain original or sometime it looks "greyish" according to different models of camera and format of the video. Therefore, we should do some colour correction accordingly to brings emotion and feelings we want to give the audiences.

L_6.0, Import the footages and audio into Adobe PR, week 6

L_6.1, View the colour graphs, week 6

L_6.2, Adjust at the panel at the right side to achieve the effect we want, week 6

L_6.3, Use layer composition feature if we have few footages that need to apply the same effect, week 6

L_6.4, As shown in the graph, different scene have different colour graphs, week 6

L_6.5, Apply different layer composition on different scenes, week 6


Project 2A - Production Shoot

We go into 2 locations, the relax space of Taylor's Lakeside Campus and a playground nearby outside the campus.

I_5.0, Production shooting, week 5

I_5.1, Production shooting, week 5

After the shooting, we learn about colour correction in class. Then, we work on our own about the video. Using the video clips we shot, we are free to edit it in any style such as trailer, music video, parody or anything we like. Since it is a Japanese movie's parody, I decided to edit it looks like a Japanese style movie trailer.

I_6.0, Video editing, week 6

Japanese trailer usually loves to use text with background, with the background music of the theme song. I adjust the colour into pinkish colour (as it is a romance movie) and I choose a song that suit the theme.

Project 2A Submission

Please refer to the link:

Project 2B - TikTok Short Video

Since my timetable crash with most of my friends in this class, therefore I decided to do this project by myself.

I am thinking that making reels that similar like the Wes Anderson trend but in a different unique way. I am going to cut the scenes according to the beat of music and try to do colour correction with the Japanese greyish colour.

I took the footages by myself so it is not possible for me to "take picture of of myself working" XD

I_9.0, Footage editing, week 9

I_9.1, Colour correction, week 9

Project 2B Submission

Please refer to the link:



Another extra experience in shooting as we will learn different outcome from different position. It is the first time for me to become the actor.


I am not good in acting because of my personality but I tried my best to,


Production is not only requiring professional skills, team work is also extremely important in making the process smooth and efficient.


Motion Graphics by Ian Crook and Peter Beare

Motion Graphics: Principles and Practices from the Ground Up: Required  Reading Range Ian Crook Fairchild Books
FR_1.0, Motion Graphics by Ian Crook and Peter Beare

This book is very suitable for beginners in digital media production as it introduces and provide tutorial on sense of motion graphic in principle and how to apply them to achieve the effect we want.


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